free movement

Czech Court Asks CJEU: Is Teritorrial Monopoly of Collecting Societies Compatible with Free Movement of Services?

After BSA C-393/09, another copyright preliminary reference from Czech courts is making it’s way to the Court of Justice of EU. This time, on exemptions to the ‘communication to the public’ right, conformity of the territorial monopoly of collecting societies with Union law and possibility of the Horizontal Direct Effect of InfoSoc directive. The new

Collective Societies & Free Movement – A New Preliminary Reference to CJEU?

In November 2011, the Czech Constitutional Court, in its ruling II. ÚS 1658/11, canceled decision of the City Court in Prague and referred it back (due to breach of  a right to statutory judge), arguing that the court failed to ask the Court of Justice of European Union on issue of whether Czech Copyright Act,