
  • My SSRN can found here.

My New Work

  1. [EN] Principles of the Digital Services Act (Oxford University Press, August 2024)
  2. [EN] Martin Husovec, The DSA’s Red Line: What the Commission and Cannot Do About Disinformation 16 (2024) in Journal of Media Law [here]
  3. [EN] Martin Husovec, Tatjana Grote, Yara Mazhar, Cham Mikhaeil, Harold Miñarro Escalona, Pragya Sinha Kumar, Sanjana Sreenath, Grand Confusion After Sanchez v. France: Seven Reasons for Concern about Strasbourg Jurisprudence on Intermediaries (2024) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 4(2024)
  4. [EN] Genevieve Heng, Martin Husovec and Jorge Contreras, Patentomania: The Cost of Embedding Patents in Social Policies (2023) University of Utah College of Law Research Paper No. 581
  5. [EN] Martin Husovec, When is the EU Legislator Responsible? (2023) [work-in-progress]
  6. [EN] Martin Husovec, 50 Years of IP Case Law in AG Citations (2024)
  7. [EN] Martin Husovec, Luxembourg, Do You Read Me? How to Open Up the CJEU to National Courts, Academies and Civil Society (2024)

My Recent Work

Shorter pieces

  1. [EN] Martin Husovec, Will the DSA Work? (2023) Verfassungsblog
  2. [EN] Martin Husovec and Jennifer Urban, Will the DSA Have Brussels’ Effect? (2024) Verfassungsblog
  3. [EN] Martin Husovec, Trusted Content Creators (2022) LSE Law – Policy Briefing Paper No. 52

Journal articles in English:

  1. [EN] Martin Husovec, Mandatory filtering does not always violate freedom of expression: Important lessons from Poland v. Council and European Parliament (2023) Common Market Law Review 60(1)
  2. [EN] Lenka Fiala and Martin Husovec, ‘Using Experimental Evidence to Design Optimal Notice and Takedown Process’ (2022) 71 International Review of Law and Economics
  3. [EN] Estelle Derclaye and Martin Husovec, Sui Generis Database Protection 2.0: Judicial and Legislative Reforms (2022) European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR)
  4. [EN] Martin Husovec and João Pedro Quintais, ‘How to license Article 17? Exploring the Implementation Options for the New EU Rules on Content-Sharing Platforms’ (2021) 70(4) GRUR International.
  5. [EN] Martin Husovec, How will the European patent judges understand proportionality? 60(4) (2020) Jurimetrics 5
  6. [EN] Inge Graef, Martin Husovec, and Jasper den Boom, ‘Spill-Overs in Data Governance: The Relationship Between the GDPR’s Right to Data Portability and EU Sector-Specific Data Access Regimes’ (2020) 3 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law
  7. [EN] Martin Husovec, Essence of Intellectual Property Rights under Art 17(2) of the EU Charter (2019) 20(6) German Law Journal (special edition on ‘Essence of Fundamental Rights’), pp. 840-863
  8. [EN] Inge Graef, Raphael Gellert, and Martin Husovec, ‘Towards a Holistic Regulatory Approach for the European Data Economy: Why the Illusive Notion of Non-Personal Data is Counterproductive to Data Innovation’ (2019) 44(5) European Law Review, p. 605-621
  9. [EN] Martin Husovec, The Promises of Algorithmic Copyright Enforcement: Takedown or Staydown? Which is Superior? And Why? (2018) 42(1) Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, pp. 53-84
  10. [EN] Inge Graef, Martin Husovec, Nadya Purtova, Data Portability and Data Control: Lessons for an Emerging Concept in EU Law (2018) 19(6) German Law Journal, pp. 1359-1398


  1. [EN] Martin Husovec, Injunctions Against Intermediaries in the European Union: Accountable, but not Liable? (Cambridge University Press 2017) – 296 pages
  2. [EN] Contreras and Husovec (eds.) Injunctions in Patent Law: A Trans-Atlantic Dialogue on Flexibility and Tailoring (Cambridge University Press 2021)
  3. [SK] Martin Husovec, Liability on the Internet under Czech and Slovak law [Zodpovednosť na internete podľa českého a slovenského práva] (CZ.NIC, 2014) – 236 pages

Book Chapters in English

  1. [EN] Jorge L. Contreras, Martin Husovec, Matthew Rimmer, Utility Models and Other Forms of Sub-Patent Protection in Jorge L. Contreras, Sub-Patent Innovation Rights Utility Models, Petty Patents and Innovation Patents Around the World (CUP 2024)
  2. [EN] Jorge Contreras and Martin Husovec, Issuing and Tailoring Patent Injunctions – a Cross-Jurisdictional Comparison and Synthesis in Contreras and Husovec (eds.) Injunctions in Patent Law: A Trans-Atlantic Dialogue on Flexibility and Tailoring (Cambridge University Press 2022)
  3. [EN] Martin Husovec and João Quintais, Too Small to Matter? On the Copyright Directive’s bias in favour of big right-holders in Tuomas Mylly and Jonathan Griffiths (Eds.) Global Intellectual Property Protection and New Constitutionalism. Hedging Exclusive Rights (Oxford University Press, 2021)
  4. [EN] Martin Husovec, Closing the Gap: How EU Law Constrains National Rules Against Imitation? in Brunn, Dinwoodie, Ohly, Levin (eds.) Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law (Cambridge University Press 2020)
  5. [EN] Martin Husovec, Remedies First, Liability Second: Or Why We Fail to Agree on Optimal Design of Intermediary Liability? In Giancarlo Frosio (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online (Oxford University Press 2020)
  6. [EN] Giancarlo Frosio and Martin Husovec, Intermediary Accountability and Responsibility In Giancarlo Frosio (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online (Oxford University Press 2020)
  7. [EN] Martin Husovec, How Europe Wants to Redefine Global Online Copyright Enforcement In: Tatiana Eleni Synodinou (ed.), Pluralism or Universalism in International Copyright Law (Kluwer Law, 2019) 
  8. [EN] Martin Husovec, The Fundamental Right to Property and the Protection of Investment: How Difficult Is It to Repeal New Intellectual Property Rights in Christophe Geiger (eds), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Investment Law (Edward Elgar 2019)
  9. [EN] Martin Husovec, Asking Innocent Third Parties for a Remedy: Origins and Trends In Franz Hofmann and Franziska Kurz (eds.) Law of Remedies (Intersencia 2019)
  10. [EN] Martin Husovec, Standardization, Open Source, and Innovation: Sketching the Effect of IPR Policies In Jorge Contreras (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law (Cambridge University Press 2019) 


  1. [SK] Martin Husovec, Matúš Mesarčík, Jozef Andraško, Law of Information and Communication Technologies 1 [Právo informačných a komunikačných technológií 1] (TINCT, 2021)

Important Slovak articles

  1. [SK] Martin Husovec, The concept of parasitizing unfair competition [Koncept parazitujúcej nekalej súťaže] in Marian Kropaj (ed.) Sub Specie Aeternitatis: Život a dielo profesora Jána Švidroňa (Faber, 2015), pp. 159-193
  2. [SK] Martin Husovec, The Public Interest in Copyright law: exceptions and limitations, restrictively? [Verejný záujem v autorskom práve. Výnimky a obmedzenia, reštriktívne? (2013) 5 Právny obzor, pp. 472-498
  3. [SK] Martin Husovec, The domain name transfer before the court Prevod domény .eu všeobecným súdom 8(4) Revue pro právo a technologie, pp. 53-55
  4. [SK] Martin Husovec, Consent or a license agreement? Response to Prof. Telec. Súhlas alebo licenčná zmluva? Reakcia na článok prof. Telca 8(4) Revue pro právo a technologie, pp. 3-8
  5. [SK] Martin Husovec, Is it still possible to claim the domain name transfer? Je ešte stále možné žalovať o prevod domény? 6 Revue pro právo a technologie, pp. 3-10
  6. [SK] Martin Husovec, Judicial harmonization of the copyright term ‘work’ in the Union law Judikatórna harmonizácia pojmu autorského diela v únijnom práve. 12 Bulletin slovenskej advokácie, pp. 16-20
  7. [SK] Martin Husovec, On the European “revision” of the copyright subject matter K európskemu “prepisovaniu” pojmových znakov autorského diela 4 Duševné vlastníctvo, pp. 24-27
  8. [SK] Martin Husovec, Is it possible to claim the domain name transfer? Je možné žalovať o prevod domény? 1 Revue pro právo a technologie, pp. 29-35
  9. [SK] Martin Husovec, Interpretation of the article 5(1) and (2) of trademark directive in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of European Union Výklad článku 5(1) a (2) známkovej smernice v judikatúre Súdneho dvora EÚ 1 Časopis Průmyslové vlastnictví
  10. [SK] Martin Husovec, Recognizing claim and the action of recognition in the field of intellectual property law Uznávací nárok a uznávacia žaloba v práve duševného vlastníctva 4 Justičná Revue, pp. 642-649
  11. [SK] Matej Gera and Martin Husovec, Štefan Szilva and Petra Zabuďková, Digital public administration and human rights [Digitálna verejná správa a ľudské práva] (European Information Society Institute (EISi), 2015

Case Books

  1. [CZ] Martin Husovec a Martin Loučka, Selected (Czech) case-law in the area of domain names [Vybraná judikatura z oblasti doménových sporů] (Wolters Kluwer, 2019) – available here.
  2. [SK] Martin Husovec, Domain Reader: Selected Slovak domain name decisions. [Doménová čítanka. Výber zo slovenských doménových rozhodnutí] (EISI, 2013) – available here.


  1. [EN] Justus Baron, Jorge Contreras, Martin Husovec, Pierre Larouche, Nikolaus Thumm, The Technical Standardization Ecosystem and Institutional Decision Making: The case of SDO IPR policies and their inter-dependencies
  2. [EN] Alexander de Streel and Martin Husovec, The e-commerce Directive as the cornerstone of the Internal Market (2020, European Parliament)

My Slovak papers can be generally found here.

For a full list of my publications, click here.