A resource corner for the EU’s Digital Services Act

Welcome to my DSA corner! This page collects useful materials about the DSA.

If you subscribe to this blog, you will soon get regular DSA updates.

The final text of the Digital Services Act. Are you new to DSA? Start with my DSA primer (co-authored with Irene Roche Laguna from the European Commission), and my short article, The DSA’s Scope Briefly Explained. For a very short overview of the DSA, watch the recording of my talk at Stanford Cyberpolicy Center.

In late 2023, or early 2024, my forthcoming book, Principles of the Digital Services Act (Oxford University Press) should appear on the market. In the meantime, you can join one of my Short Courses on the EU Digital Services Act offered to the public by the London School of Economics (16-hours; the new slots will be offer soon, or upon request for in-house training for regulators or organisations).

Some useful resources:

The latest DSA news.

  • The DSA Newsletter #5
    The last four months in the DSA news feel like two years. The DSA entered into full force in February, the Board already managed to meet three times, the Commission launched five additional investigations (AliExpress, Tiktok [2x], Facebook and Instagram), filed countless requests for more information, designated new VLOP(s), issued… Read more: The DSA Newsletter #5
  • The DSA Newsletter #4
    A lot has happened since July 2023. Here is your (ir)regular summary of the world of the DSA news. Biggest News The European Commission just designated three porn sites as additional VLOPs: Stripchat, Xvideos and Pornhub. This move is hardly surprising given that the porn industry’s numbers did not add… Read more: The DSA Newsletter #4
  • The DSA Newsletter #3
    The newsletter is still alive! The long pause has to do with some technical problems on my end and the LSE grading season. A ton has happened since Newsletter #2. VLOP/VLOSE designations are out This is yesterday’s news, but still worth covering. On April 25, 2023, the European Commission published… Read more: The DSA Newsletter #3
  • The DSA Newsletter #2
    Here is a roundup of useful resources on the DSA from November and December 2022. Verfassunsblog symposium The symposium that I mentioned last time led to a wonderful collection of essays by scholars working on the DSA. I definitely recommend all the pieces, especially Folkert Wilman’s piece on where the… Read more: The DSA Newsletter #2
  • The DSA Newsletter #1
    In the coming months, I want to share some useful DSA resources on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Here is the first batch of the DSA-related resources that I found useful and want to share with you. The DSA was published as Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and… Read more: The DSA Newsletter #1
  • The DSA text is officially out
    The Official Journal of the European Union just published the final text of the Digital Services Act (.pdf).
  • Trusted Content Creators
    The Digital Services Act reignited the debates about how to treat professional journalists in the see of user-generated content which is often of doubtful quality. Some even go as far as to suggest that journalistic content should be entirely carved out of platform responsibilities or that the content shall enjoy… Read more: Trusted Content Creators

DSA’s scope

  • Mere conduit services: Internet access providers; WiFi; domain name registries; VPN services; messaging apps (without cloud storage); browsers;
  • Caching services: content delivery networks
  • Hosting services: social networks; content-sharing services; marketplaces; discussion forums; some sharing economy services and messaging services (with cloud storage); cloud services; web hosting services; app stores
    • Online platforms: social networks; content-sharing services; marketplaces; app stores