Should We Centralize the Right to be Forgotten Clearing House?

Being in Silicon Valley during the time when the honourable Court of Justice of the European Union “cracks” its epic right to be forgotten ruling, is a very interesting social experience. Suddenly, the European part of you receives a strange lot of attention among tech folks in all the small talks. No wonder.

BGH: Screen Scraping Does Not Constitute Unfair Competition

German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) is in a new case on meta search engines and screen scraping — Flugvermittlung im Internet, I ZR 224/12 — again proving its superior expertise and better sense of the real world compared to the Court of Justice of the EU. In a case involving notorious litigant Ryaniar who sued

CJEU Allowed Website Blocking Injunctions With Some Reservations

So the CJEU finally issued its UPC Telekabel Wien C-314/12 decision. It contains several good points, but also some missed opportunities (the rejections of a need of specific measures is quite a disappointment), and black-box type of issues, where only the time will tell. But before I get to the ruling, it is very interesting

Czech Constitutional Court: Domain Name Protected as a Property

The Czech Constitutional Court this month handed its anticipated decision in case (III. ÚS 2912/12). The Court heard a constitutional complaint by one of the plaintiffs who complained that his right to fair trial, right to property and right to legal certainty were infringed when the Czech Supreme Court rejected the domain name transfer

CJEU: Hyperlinks Are Copyright Free. Are They Really?

Highly awaited Svensson C-466/12 ruling of the CJEU is now available online. It will be most likely positively received by the European media. And probably rightly so. Despite this, however, I can not help to (preliminary) question two basic issues in the ruling: Assumption of the authorized (source) content; CJEU carries out the entire analysis

Spanish Court Issued The First Disconnecting Injunction Against a Single Access Provider

A good friend, Miquel Peguera from Spanish Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, just reported what is probably the first private litigation, where an access provider was sued to disconnect its subscribers from the Internet. Although some Nordic countries already earlier reported cases where access providers were sued to disconnect different providers of allegedly infringing services, Promusicae

Meta Search Engines Likely to Infringe Database Right by Data Scraping

The Christmas time drowned out publication of a particularly interesting CJEU decision – Innoweb C‑202/12 – dealing with the EU-specific database right and its applicability to meta search engines. The preliminary reference before the CJEU came from a Dutch proceedings of Wegener group against Innoweb BV and its operation of a dedicated car meta search