Posted in Court of Justice, safe harbours, search engines, trade marks
The Court of Justice Speaks Out on the AdWords
Though there are plenty of duties i should be carrying out at the moment, i had to read the Luis Vuitton vs. Google C-236/08 decision from this morning. It conveys new thoughts on the trade mark but also on the e-commerce law. Therefore making it a landmark decision in the field. I wouldn´t express it better as my colleague Austrotrabant did, when stating that today is bit like a Christmas. And i really feel so 
PS: I just wanted to share my Christmas-like atmosphere from Košice. Please stay tuned. This will “sell” like a hot cakes..
Another keyword advertising decisions
– BergSpechte C-278/08
– C-91/09
– Portakabin C-558/08
– BergSpechte C-278/08
– C-91/09
– Portakabin C-558/08
Still pending cases
– Interflora C-323/09
– L´Oréal and others C-324/09
Austrotrabant (couldn't log in using my OpenID…