Keyword advertising presentation

Huťko is really honored for the opportunity to deliver a short presentation on the keyword advertising he had at the Leibniz University in Hannover during his Summer School on IT law. As promised therein, here are the resources.

It is really symbolic that Google announced change of the AdWords trademark policy in Europe on the very same day as Huťko´s presentation was held 🙂

Please find also
the sheet and
the screenshots of the case1,2,3 and case 4

2 thoughts on “Keyword advertising presentation

  1. Anonymous


    The slides are nice, their contents intriguing.
    The slides change quite quickly, but as long as one understands the meaning and use of the "pause-button" this should be no real issue. 😉

    Thank you very much. It is an awesome piece of work.

    And I wonder what is behind the "changes" in the new terms of keyword advertisement provided by google.

    Jokingly: Confess: You own Google, and you want us to believe that everythingis alright now, right?

    Kind regards
    Clem C. Schermann

  2. Alin

    That looks interesting! That was a great presentation on keyword advertising.

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