European Safe Harbours and the Future Case Law

This year could be incredibly ground breaking for European safe harbours. Despite of many preliminary questions, it´s unlikely (still believe in TM issue) that all of them are going to be answered. Although i think they should be (not just because of my interest). So let´s sum up, what we have at the “porch” of

Maduro´s neutrality condition critisism

As i´ve pointed out last week, i never got the neutrality condition proposed by GA Maduro. As much as our opinions coinceded on the trademark issue, i couldn´t help to disagree with his reasonig on the hosting exemption. General Advocate stated that hosting exemption does not apply to AdWords, because of not meeting essential neutrality

European Commission on information location tools

I encourage you to read latest post on ACTA by EFF. And also leaked comments of European Commission (EC) to US proposal of ACTA provisions. What i´ve found (inter alia) interesting is a part of this document, which relates to information location tools liability regime. EC provided it´s short opinion on safe harbour provisions in