Tank Man hits the Constitutional Court: Copyright and Freedom of Expression

Regular readers of Kluwer Copyright blog would be familiar with an earlier decision by the Slovak Supreme Court about unauthorized use of a famous Tank Man picture in the Slovak media. Now the case hit the Slovak Constitutional Court, thus providing it with the first ever opportunity to discuss the interface of copyright and freedom

How frequent is IP litigation in Slovakia?

EISi, an non-university academic research center for IP & IT, is now working on the complex proposal that aims at improving IP specialization of Slovak judges. Obviously, when considering the impact of the proposed changes, we also had to have a look at the number of litigated cases before Slovak courts. Huťko is glad to

Newspaper articles not creative enough. An issue for the CJEU?

Kluwer Copyright blog just published my article about ECOPRESS v. STORIN, which denied copyright protection on newspaper articles (reported by IPKat here). In article, I outline the background of the case, give some comments on compatibility with last European cases and mention that our European Information Society Institute, is now preparing amicus curiae brief before

Brief Summary of April / May / June and Beyonds

Huťko is back! Though he actually never left 🙂 As you may have already noticed, last few months were more “quiet” than usual. This is due to the endless final exams period that was “entertaining” Huťko and consuming his entire time. Nevertheless this period is over, Huťko finally entered lawyer-dom and you can look forward

Every Thesis Defended in Slovakia will be Compulsory Published Online

In the end of the last year Slovak parliament passed (and President signed) so called anti-plagiarism amendment of the Act on Schools of Higher Education (hereinafter as “the Act”). This amendment basically legislates that each student of Slovak university have to give his consent (license) to have his thesis published online, otherwise he wont be

Contracts with Slovak Public Bodies have to be Published Online to become Effective

Huťko got some news for you (and there are bits of IP law as well). Slovak parliament passed the amendment (Act. No. 546/2010) to Slovak Civil Code (Act. No 40/1964 Coll. ) and to Act on Free Access to Information (Act. No. 211/2000) which sets up the category of Obligatory Published Contract (OPC). No OPC