secondary liability

ECtHR To Hear A Case About Liability For Hyperlinking [+ Intervention]

Internet case-law of the ECtHR will soon be enriched. Magyar Jeti Zrt v Hungary is a new important pending case. It concerns liability for hyperlinks in the domestic defamation law and its compatibility with freedom of expression. The applicant is in the case is an operator of the Hungarian news portal which is used by approximately

ECHR on Liability of ISPs as a Restriction of Freedom of Speech

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg handed down its first “ISP liability” case – Delfi AS v. Estonia (App. No. 64569/09). The case concerns a question of liability of an Internet news portal for third party comments made on its website under one of the news items. First some background: 7.  The applicant company

Is There Any Union Wide Secondary Liability?

In course of preparing my notes for the lecture on ‘Website blockig’, which I will hold in Brno in two weeks at Cyberspace conference, I bumped to several interesting things, which provoked the question formulated in the headline of the article. ‘Is There Any Union-wide Secondary Liability?’ Firstly, let me explain what I mean when

Hidden Gems of L’Oreal v. eBay

Some of you might be wondering why Huťko did not report on two most interesting CJEU cases of this beautiful summer – L´Oréal v. eBay C-324/09 and Interflora C-323/09. The main reason is the complexity of said cases. Summing them up in two separate articles would be just not enough to cover everything. And after