New CJEU Referral: Is Website Blocking OK with Union Law?

E-comm blog reports a new exciting Austrian referral (OGH decision) before CJEU, which deals with the question whether the Union law provides for website blocking injunctions against Access Providers. The case UPC Telekabel Wien C-314/12 is already listed on the Curia website and has a potential to solve a vast disagreement of EU courts on

Thanksgiving gift from Luxembourg – Sabam!

Huťko is very happy to inform you that the Court of Justice of the European Union just rendered its superb decision in Sabam C‑70/10. Not only it is favorable to “internet freedoms”, but to Huťko’s great surprise, it is also based on different, but even better reasoning (the court actually discussed the balance between IP-rights

Hidden Gems of L’Oreal v. eBay

Some of you might be wondering why Huťko did not report on two most interesting CJEU cases of this beautiful summer – L´Oréal v. eBay C-324/09 and Interflora C-323/09. The main reason is the complexity of said cases. Summing them up in two separate articles would be just not enough to cover everything. And after

BGH & Two ISP Liability Cases

This week, Bundesgerichtshof decided two very interesting cases that both concern liability of internet service providers. The first, deals with liability of German domain name authority  – DENIC and second with liability of Google for the blog posts published by its users on blogging platform Blogger (the one that Huťko writes his posts on). In

Slovakia: Webhosting provider ordered to stop publishing certain infornation on the hosted website

On 19 of May 2011, District Court Bratislava II. („Okresný súd Bratislava II.“) issued preliminary injunction against well-known Slovak NGO Aliancia Fair-Play and its hosting provider Websupport, ordering them both to stop publishing certain information concerning Plaintif on the website (meaning „from our taxes“). Subjected website is a third sector project run by

Scarlet Extended (Scarlet v. Sabam) – the first Hearing Report

Scarlet Extended C-70/10 dealing with the scope of injunctions against the intermediary (filtering methods) is one of the highlights of this year. Thanks to LINX you can now read a report from the very first hearing of this case held before Court of Justice on the 13th of January. Some interesting hints: Chamber – Unknown,

GA’s Opinion in L´Oreal v. Ebay

Huťko is very excited about the opinion of Advocate General Jääskinen in L´Oreal v. Ebay C-324/09 published this Thursday (9th of December). The case is so complex and deals with so many interesting questions that Huťko deems it even more intriguing reading than Google France C-236/08. So far Huťko has identified these interesting (sometimes hidden)