Keyword Advertising Event in Brno

Huťko has a great tip for all “keyword” enthusiasts. Institute of Law and Technology of Masaryk University in Brno (Czech republic) cordially invites you to attend a workshop: “Making Money by Riding on the Coattails of the Reputation of the Trademarks of Others OR an Inventive Business Model That Happens to Reveal the Flaws of

France: Dailymotion & Fuzz – Covered by Hosting Safe Harbour

Very exciting news coming via EDRi gram. On 17 February 2011 the French Court of Cassation recognized the hosting status of Dailymotion and The court also confirmed, in relation to the Amen website case, that the judges had to verify that the content withdrawal requests observed the requirements of LCEN (loi pour la confiance

Every Thesis Defended in Slovakia will be Compulsory Published Online

In the end of the last year Slovak parliament passed (and President signed) so called anti-plagiarism amendment of the Act on Schools of Higher Education (hereinafter as “the Act”). This amendment basically legislates that each student of Slovak university have to give his consent (license) to have his thesis published online, otherwise he wont be

Europe Need to Hear Your Voice

There are two important things I would like to draw your attention to. Firstly, prominent European Academics composed a brief letter analysing ACTA provisions and now they are calling for your important assistance. Please take few seconds to symbolically support their effort for balanced IP rights enforcement in EU by signing here. Secondly, European Commission

Scarlet Extended (Scarlet v. Sabam) – the first Hearing Report

Scarlet Extended C-70/10 dealing with the scope of injunctions against the intermediary (filtering methods) is one of the highlights of this year. Thanks to LINX you can now read a report from the very first hearing of this case held before Court of Justice on the 13th of January. Some interesting hints: Chamber – Unknown,

Contracts with Slovak Public Bodies have to be Published Online to become Effective

Huťko got some news for you (and there are bits of IP law as well). Slovak parliament passed the amendment (Act. No. 546/2010) to Slovak Civil Code (Act. No 40/1964 Coll. ) and to Act on Free Access to Information (Act. No. 211/2000) which sets up the category of Obligatory Published Contract (OPC). No OPC