
the user has only 154 posts

Brief Summary of April / May / June and Beyonds

Huťko is back! Though he actually never left 🙂 As you may have already noticed, last few months were more “quiet” than usual. This is due to the endless final exams period that was “entertaining” Huťko and consuming his entire time. Nevertheless this period is over, Huťko finally entered lawyer-dom and you can look forward

Abuse of Copyright Exception for Personal Use

Interesting news coming via Kluwer Copyright Blog by Tomáš Dobřichovský from Kříž & Bělina. Mr. Dobřichovský reports decision rendered by High Court in Prague (Vrchní soud v Praze) on 20th of April 2010. The defendant, the so-called “cooperative of CD co-owners” abuses the ‘personal use’ exeption under Article 30 of Copyright, together with the three-step-test

Data Retention held Unconstitutional in Czech republic

Great news coming from Brno today. Constitutional court of Czech republic ruled this morning that data retention provisions of Electronic Communication Act are in breach of right to privacy and informational self-determination and therefore invalidated respective provisions. There is no data retention regulation since today in Czech republic! .. contested legislation violates constitutional

Keyword Advertising Event in Brno

Huťko has a great tip for all “keyword” enthusiasts. Institute of Law and Technology of Masaryk University in Brno (Czech republic) cordially invites you to attend a workshop: “Making Money by Riding on the Coattails of the Reputation of the Trademarks of Others OR an Inventive Business Model That Happens to Reveal the Flaws of

France: Dailymotion & Fuzz – Covered by Hosting Safe Harbour

Very exciting news coming via EDRi gram. On 17 February 2011 the French Court of Cassation recognized the hosting status of Dailymotion and The court also confirmed, in relation to the Amen website case, that the judges had to verify that the content withdrawal requests observed the requirements of LCEN (loi pour la confiance