Limitations in the European Copyright Code

I´m sure everybody heard of European Copyright Code (ECC) being published last week. Exceptional European intellectual property scholars participated at this work. Hence the ECC is neat, precise and inspiring altogether. I would like to focus on the Limitations part of it in this post. More specifically on the Article 5.5 “Further Limitations”. Any other

My Thesis about the Copyright and Internet Search is Ready for the Thesis Defence

I have to say, i almost hated this piece before today´s final submitting. I guess it´s a usual experience of each author, isn´t it ? So, for all of you my folks interested in copyright limitations and exception from Czech and Slovak perspective (mostly), please refer to my thesis The legal aspects of search engines.

The Czech Supreme Court on Filesharing

I just returned from the Hannover, the mind empowering conference, and immediately bumped into this case. Case No. 5 Tdo 31/2010 (hereinafter as Ladies don´t watch pornography case ) is a criminal proceedings against an alleged Czech filesharer. The Czech Supreme Court reversed his conviction in this decision from 27 of January 2010.

Next Week in Hannover

Huťko assumes that every IT&IP enthusiast is aware of the conference taking place in Hannover next week. Commons, Users, Service Providers – International Conference brings together astounding amount of IT&IP scholars. Thus making it incredibly inviting event. If any of Huťko´s readers plans to come, it would be a great pleasure for me to meet

Likelihood of Confusion & Association – An Insight to Fresh Slovak Trademark Law

As I previously reported yet in 2009, new Slovak trademark law have entered into the force on the 1st of January. According to explanatory report to new Trademark Act No. 506/2009, one of the embodied changes is the replacement of term ‘interchangeability’ by ‘similarity’. This was done by copying and pasting trademark directive (hereinafter as